Technical terms and acronyms confuse you?
Our glossary is here to help: simple definitions and useful links to decipher and understand the key concepts of digital marketing and SEO, helping you turn complexity into opportunities for growth
200 OK
HTTP status code 200 is the standard response for successful HTTP requests. It means that the request was received, understood, […]Read all -
301 (redirect)
A 301 redirect is a type of permanent redirection from one URL to another. This HTTP status code indicates that […]Read all -
404 (error)
The 404 error code is a standard HTTP server response that indicates a “Not Found” status, meaning that the browser […]Read all -
500 (Internal Server Error)
HTTP status code 500 is a generic response from the server indicating that the server encountered an unexpected condition that […]Read all -
A/B Test
An A/B Test, or A/B Testing, is a digital marketing methodology for comparing two versions of a web page or […]Read all -
Aaker's pyramid
Aaker’s Pyramid is a theoretical model developed by U.S. economist and marketing expert David A. Aaker in 1996 (called the […]Read all -
Above the fold
The phrase “Above the Fold” refers to the portion of a web page that is visible without scrolling. This term […]Read all -
In the context of web design and development, accessibility refers to the practice of making web content usable by as […]Read all -
In the context of web design, an Accordion is a common user interface component that allows sections of content to […]Read all -
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a digital marketing strategy in which a company pays an affiliate (an individual or a company) a […]Read all -
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation and implementation of machines and softwares […]Read all -
AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action and is a classic model that describes the […]Read all -
AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a Web development technique for creating interactive Web applications. Using AJAX, […]Read all -
An algorithm is a set of rules and procedures that search engines use to determine the importance and relevance of […]Read all -
Alt Text
Alternative Text, or Alt Text, is a short description of an image that is displayed on the page when the […]Read all -
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP, is an open source project initiated by Google with the goal of making web pages […]Read all -
In digital marketing, the term Analytics refers to the collection, analysis, and presentation of data to help make informed decisions. […]Read all -
Anchor Text
An Anchor Text is the visible text of a hyperlink. This text is often underlined and in a different color […]Read all -
API (Application Programming Interface)
An API, which stands for Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications […]Read all -
In the context of marketing, audience refers to the group of individuals a company targets with its marketing and communication […]Read all -
Authoritativeness is one of the indicators present in Google’s E-E-A-T paradigm: specifically, it concerns the recognition and respect that an […]Read all -
In the SEO world, Authority refers to the “credibility” of a website in the eyes of search engines, and specifically […]Read all -
Automation, in the context of digital marketing, refers to the use of software or other technologies to perform repetitive or […]Read all -
B2B (Business to Business)
The term Business to Business, often expressed in the contracted form B2B, refers to business transactions or interactions between companies, […]Read all -
B2C (Business to Consumer)
Business to Consumer, or B2C, refers to business transactions or interactions between a company and individual consumers, including, for example, […]Read all -
A backlink is a link from an external website that points to a page on another site. Backlinks are critical […]Read all -
Backlink Profile
The backlink profile of a website is the total set of backlinks pointing to that site. Analysis of a site’s […]Read all -
A banner is an online advertising format that consists of an image or block of text that usually appears at […]Read all -
Behavioral Targeting
Behavioral Targeting is a digital marketing technique that involves collecting and analyzing data on online user behavior, such as pages […]Read all -
Below the