
The Web is constantly evolving and so is its language, which is often composed of seemingly complex and intricate words, acronyms and formulas. With its clear definitions and in-depth links to all of the most common and important terms, our glossary can be a compass for deciphering the jargon of digital marketing, search marketing, and SEO in particular, and better understanding its fundamental concepts.

A clear understanding of words and techniques is the first step toward digital success.

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  • 200 OK

    HTTP status code 200 is the standard response for successful HTTP requests. It means that the request was received, understood, […]

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  • 301 (redirect)

    A 301 redirect is a type of permanent redirection from one URL to another. This HTTP status code indicates that […]

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  • 404 (error)

    The 404 error code is a standard HTTP server response that indicates a “Not Found” status, meaning that the browser […]

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  • 500 (Internal Server Error)

    HTTP status code 500 is a generic response from the server indicating that the server encountered an unexpected condition that […]

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  • A/B Test

    An A/B Test, or A/B Testing, is a digital marketing methodology for comparing two versions of a web page or […]

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  • Aaker's pyramid

    Aaker’s Pyramid is a theoretical model developed by U.S. economist and marketing expert David A. Aaker in 1996 (called the […]

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  • Above the fold

    The phrase “Above the Fold” refers to the portion of a web page that is visible without scrolling. This term […]

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  • Accessibility

    In the context of web design and development, accessibility refers to the practice of making web content usable by as […]

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  • Accordion

    In the context of web design, an Accordion is a common user interface component that allows sections of content to […]

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  • Affiliate marketing

    Affiliate marketing is a digital marketing strategy in which a company pays an affiliate (an individual or a company) a […]

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  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation and implementation of machines and softwares […]

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  • AIDA

    AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action and is a classic model that describes the […]

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  • AJAX

    AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a Web development technique for creating interactive Web applications. Using AJAX, […]

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  • Algorithm

    An algorithm is a set of rules and procedures that search engines use to determine the importance and relevance of […]

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  • Alt Text

    Alternative Text, or Alt Text, is a short description of an image that is displayed on the page when the […]

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  • AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

    Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP, is an open source project initiated by Google with the goal of making web pages […]

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  • Analytics

    In digital marketing, the term Analytics refers to the collection, analysis, and presentation of data to help make informed decisions. […]

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  • Anchor Text

    An Anchor Text is the visible text of a hyperlink. This text is often underlined and in a different color […]

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  • API (Application Programming Interface)

    An API, which stands for Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications […]

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  • Audience

    In the context of marketing, audience refers to the group of individuals a company targets with its marketing and communication […]

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  • Authoritativeness

    Authoritativeness is one of the indicators present in Google’s E-E-A-T paradigm: specifically, it concerns the recognition and respect that an […]

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  • Authority

    In the SEO world, Authority refers to the “credibility” of a website in the eyes of search engines, and specifically […]

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  • Automation

    Automation, in the context of digital marketing, refers to the use of software or other technologies to perform repetitive or […]

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  • B2B (Business to Business)

    The term Business to Business, often expressed in the contracted form B2B, refers to business transactions or interactions between companies, […]

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  • B2C (Business to Consumer)

    Business to Consumer, or B2C, refers to business transactions or interactions between a company and individual consumers, including, for example, […]

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  • Backlink

    A backlink is a link from an external website that points to a page on another site. Backlinks are critical […]

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  • Backlink Profile

    The backlink profile of a website is the total set of backlinks pointing to that site. Analysis of a site’s […]

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  • Banner

    A banner is an online advertising format that consists of an image or block of text that usually appears at […]

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  • Behavioral Targeting

    Behavioral Targeting is a digital marketing technique that involves collecting and analyzing data on online user behavior, such as pages […]

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  • Below the fold

    Below the Fold is a web design term that refers to the part of a web page that is not […]

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  • Black Hat SEO

    Black Hat SEO is a set of unethical practices used to increase a website’s ranking in search results. These techniques, […]

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  • Blog

    A blog is a type of website or a section of a website that features regularly updated content, often in […]

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  • Bounce rate

    Bounce rate is a metric that measures the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page. […]

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  • Brand Awareness

    Brand awareness refers to the degree to which consumers are able to recognize and remember a brand. Increasing brand awareness […]

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  • Brand Identity

    Brand identity is the distinctive set of visual, verbal, and behavioral elements that a company creates to present its brand […]

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  • Brand Image

    Brand image is the current perception that consumers and the public have of a brand. It is the complex of […]

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  • Brand Monitoring

    Brand Monitoring is the process of monitoring and analyzing various digital channels to detect mentions and conversations related to a […]

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  • Brand Reputation

    Brand Reputation refers to the perception that consumers, customers, and the market at large have of a brand. This online […]

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  • Branded keyword

    A branded keyword is a keyword that includes the name of a specific brand or product. They represent a classic […]

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  • Branding

    Branding is the strategic and ongoing process involving the creation, development, and maintenance of a consistent set of brand attributes […]

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  • Breadcrumb

    A breadcrumb is a type of secondary navigation that shows a user’s path through a website. Breadcrumbs (a reference to […]

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  • Broken Link

    A broken link is a link that does not lead to a working web page. Broken links can create a […]

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  • Browser

    A browser is software that allows users to access and navigate the Internet. Browsers interpret the HTML, CSS and JavaScript […]

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  • Business Profile (Google)

    A Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, is a free profile that businesses can create on Google to […]

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  • Buyer Persona

    A Buyer Persona is a detailed, semi-fictional profile of a company’s ideal customer. This profile is based on market research […]

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  • Cache

    A cache is a temporary storage component that stores data to speed up access in case of future requests. In […]

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  • Campaign

    A campaign is defined as a coordinated set of individual marketing activities designed to achieve a specific goal. These activities […]

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  • Canonical Tag

    The canonical tag (also called rel canonical or canonical link) is an HTML element that helps prevent duplicate content problems […]

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  • Canonical URL

    The canonical URL is the URL that a webmaster considers the most authoritative address of a page, which can be […]

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  • CDN (Content Delivery Network)

    CDN stands for Content Delivery Network and indicates a network of geographically distributed servers that work together to deliver Web […]

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  • ChatGPT

    ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based language model developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company. ChatGPT was launched in November […]

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  • Click Distance

    Click distance refers to the number of clicks required to navigate from a main page, such as the home page, […]

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  • Client

    In the context of digital marketing, client means two things. That is, it can refer to a company or individual […]

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  • Cloaking

    Cloaking is an incorrect SEO technique – one of the so-called black hat tactics – that presents different content to […]

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  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

    Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a Google metric that measures the visual stability of a web page and is part […]

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  • CMS (Content Management System)

    A Content Management System or CMS is a software that allows users to create, manage and edit content on a […]

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  • Code

    In the context of the Web, code refers to the programming language used to create and maintain Web sites. There […]

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  • Competitive Analysis

    Competitor analysis, or competitive analysis, is a strategic process used by companies to identify and evaluate their key competitors, understand […]

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  • Content

    In SEO, content is the heart of any digital marketing strategy. The term includes any material created and published online, […]

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  • Content Focus (SEOZoom)

    Content Focus is a metric originating in SEOZoom that indicates at a glance the distribution of search intentions of users […]

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  • Content Marketing

    Content marketing is a promotion strategy that focuses on creating, publishing, and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract and […]

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  • Content Strategy

    Content Strategy is a strategic approach to digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing relevant and valuable content. It […]

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  • Conversion Rate

    The Conversion Rate expresses the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action (conversion) out of the total number […]

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  • Conversions

    A conversion occurs when a website visitor takes the desired action, transforming (converting, in fact) from a user into a […]

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  • Cookie

    A cookie is a small data file that a Web site can store on a user’s device when he or […]

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  • Core Web Vitals

    Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of specific metrics introduced by Google to help website owners measure user experience […]

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  • CPA (Cost Per Action)

    Cost Per Action, or CPA, is a billing model for online advertising in which the advertiser pays for each specific […]

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  • CPC (Cost Per Click)

    Cost Per Click or CPC is an online advertising billing model in which the advertiser pays each time a user […]

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  • CPL (Cost Per Lead)

    Cost Per Lead, or CPL, is an online advertising billing model in which the advertiser pays for each lead generated. […]

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  • CPT (Cost Per Thousand)

    Cost Per Thousand or CPT is an online advertising billing model in which the advertiser pays for every thousand impressions […]

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  • Crawl Budget

    The Crawl Budget refers to the number of pages a search engine, such as Google, is willing to index on […]

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  • Crawler

    A crawler, also known as a spider or bot, is a software program that search engines use to scan the […]

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  • Crawling

    In SEO, crawling is the process by which search engines such as Google discover new content or updates on existing […]

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  • Cross-linking

    Cross-linking refers to the practice of connecting two websites together. This can be done for various reasons, such as providing […]

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  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

    CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a programming language used to describe the appearance and formatting of a document written […]

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  • CTA (Call to Action)

    A Call to Action, or CTA, is an invitation to website visitors to take a specific action. It can be […]

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  • CTR (Click-Through Rate)

    Click-Through Rate or CTR is a metric that measures the number of clicks your ads, emails or web pages receive […]

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  • Customer Journey

    The Customer Journey is the process by which a customer goes from learning about a brand or product to interacting […]

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  • CXO (Customer Experience Optimization)

    Customer Experience Optimization (CXO) is a strategic process that focuses on optimizing the overall customer experience with a company or […]

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  • Dashboard

    A dashboard, or dashboard, is a user interface that presents and organizes information in a visually accessible and easy-to-understand way. […]

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  • Database

    A database is an organized collection of data. This digital repository can include information about products, customers, transactions, website interactions, […]

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  • Dead-End page

    A dead-end page is a web page that contains no internal links leading to other pages on the site. This […]

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  • Deep Linking

    Deep linking is the practice of creating a link that points to a specific page, image, or resource on a […]

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  • Demographics

    Demographics refers to the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, income, education level, occupation, and so on. […]

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  • Digital Marketing

    Digital marketing refers to all marketing activities that use digital channels to reach, engage and convert consumers. This can include […]

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  • Direct Traffic

    Direct traffic occurs when a visitor comes directly to the website without going through another channel. This can occur if […]

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  • Directory

    A directory is a Web site that contains a list of other Web sites, organized into categories and subcategories. Directories […]

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  • Display Advertising

    Display advertising refers to online advertisements that use images, videos, text, or other graphics to attract users’ attention. These ads […]

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  • DNS (Domain Name System)

    The Domain Name System (DNS) is the Internet protocol that converts human-readable domain names into numeric IP addresses that machines […]

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  • DNS Lookup

    A DNS Lookup is the process by which a DNS server translates a domain name into an IP address. This […]

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  • Do Follow

    The “do follow” (also “follow”) attribute means that the link can pass “authority” and PageRank from the source page to […]

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  • DOM (Document Object Model)

    DOM, short for Document Object Model, is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a web […]

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  • Domain

    A domain is the unique address that identifies a website on the Internet. It is what users type into the […]

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  • Doorway Pages

    Doorway pages, or portal pages, are a black hat SEO technique of creating web pages with the sole purpose of […]

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  • Duplicate content

    Duplicate content occurs when identical or substantially similar blocks of content appear on multiple URLs within the same site (internal […]

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  • Dwell Time

    Dwell Time refers to the amount of time a visitor spends on a web page after clicking on a search […]

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  • Dynamic Content

    The term dynamic content or dynamic content refers to content on a website that changes based on the user’s behavior, […]

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  • Dynamic Rendering

    Dynamic Rendering is an SEO technique, until recently openly recommended by Google (and now referred to as a “temporary solution”) […]

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  • E-Commerce

    E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services over the Internet. It can include […]

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  • E-mail marketing

    Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to a group of people to promote a product, […]

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  • EEAT (Google)

    EEAT is an acronym Google uses in its guidelines for search quality evaluators, or quality raters, to make sure that […]

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  • Engagement

    In the digital sphere, engagement refers to the degree of attention, interaction and engagement that users demonstrate with content on […]

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  • Entity

    In the SEO context, an entity can be anything that is clearly defined, unique, and distinguishable. This term can refer […]

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  • Entry Page

    An Entry Page is the first page a visitor sees when they arrive on a website. It is exactly the […]

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  • Exact Match

    Exact match is a technique of using a specific keyword, exactly as it has been defined and identified, within the […]

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  • Exit Page

    An Exit Page is the last page a visitor sees before leaving your website. It is basically the reverse of […]

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  • Experience

    Experience is the most recent addition to Google’s E-E-A-T acronym, an important concept in the context of SEO and digital […]

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  • Expertise

    In the context of Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines, Expertise refers to expertise and, more specifically, the depth of knowledge or skill […]

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  • External Link

    An External Link is a link that points to a domain other than the page on which it is located. […]

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  • Eye Tracking

    Eye Tracking, or eye tracking, is a technology that measures where users look and how their eyes move as they […]

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  • FAQ

    FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ page on a website provides answers to common questions that customers or […]

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  • FCP (First Contentful Paint)

    First Contentful Paint (FCP) is a Web site performance metric that measures the time it takes a browser to render […]

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  • Featured Snippet

    A Featured Snippet, also called “zero result,” is a short text snippet that usually appears at the top of Google’s […]

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  • Feed

    A feed is a continuous stream of updated content from a website; the term can refer to a news feed, […]

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  • Feedback

    In the context of SEO and digital marketing, the term “feedback” refers to the reviews, comments, and ratings left by […]

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  • FID (First Input Delay)

    First Input Delay (FID) is a Google metric that measures the time between a user’s interaction with a page (such […]

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  • Filter

    A filter is a tool that allows users to sort or limit content based on specific criteria. For example, an […]

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  • Follower

    A follower is someone who chooses to “follow” an account on social media to receive its updates in their feed. […]

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  • Footer

    The footer is the bottom section of a website. It usually contains information such as links to important pages (such […]

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  • Forum

    A forum is an entire website or section of a site that allows interactive discussion among users. It is a […]

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  • Frequency Capping

    Frequency capping is a technique used in online advertising to limit the number of times a particular ad is shown […]

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  • Funnel

    In digital marketing, the term “funnel” refers to the path a potential customer travels from first contact with the brand […]

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  • Geo-Targeting

    Geo-Targeting is a digital marketing practice of delivering different content or advertisements to a user based on their geographic location. […]

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  • Google Ads

    Google Ads is Google’s online advertising platform, one of the main channels of SEM and, specifically, SEA. It allows businesses […]

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  • Google AdSense

    Google AdSense is a program that allows website publishers to earn money by placing advertisements on their web pages. Ads […]

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  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that provides detailed statistics and analysis of a website’s traffic. It […]

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  • Google Business Profile

    The Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, is a free tool provided by Google that allows business owners […]

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  • Google Local Pack

    The Google Local Pack is a feature of Google SERPs that displays a list of local businesses relevant to the […]

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  • Google manual actions

    Manual actions are penalties imposed by Google on websites that violate search engine guidelines. These actions are the result of […]

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  • Google Maps

    Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google that offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360-degree panoramas of streets […]

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  • Google Quality Raters

    Google quality raters are external evaluators, often hired through agencies or networks of contracting companies, who are tasked with assessing […]

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  • Google Search Console

    Google Search Console, summarized as GSC, is a free service offered by Google that helps site owners and operators monitor […]

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  • Google Search Operator

    Google Advanced Search Operators are special commands that can be inserted into the Google search bar to refine search results. […]

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  • Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines

    The Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines are a set of guidelines published by Google and intended for quality raters to […]

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  • Google Trends

    Google Trends is a free tool offered by Google that shows how often a particular search term has been entered […]

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  • Googlebot

    Googlebot is the search robot, more precisely crawler or spider, used by Google to gather new information from websites and […]

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  • Graphic Design

    Graphic Design, or graphic design, is the art of combining text and images to communicate an effective message. In the […]

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  • Guest Post

    A Guest Post is defined as an article or blog post written by a “guest,” that is, an outside author […]

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  • Guest Posting

    Guest Posting, also known as Guest Blogging, is a content marketing and SEO practice in which an author writes and […]

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  • Hamburger Menu

    A hamburger menu, also known as a “hamburger menu” or “three-line menu,” is an icon used in user interface design, […]

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  • Hashtag

    A hashtag is a type of metadata used on social media to group posts on a particular topic; specifically, they […]

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  • Header

    In the context of web design, header or header is the top part of a web page, usually containing the […]

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  • Heading or Header Tag

    Heading tags, also called Header Tags, are HTML elements used to identify titles and subtitles within the content of a […]

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  • Hosting

    The hosting, or hosting provider, is a service that allows websites to be accessible on the Internet. When we purchase […]

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  • Hreflang

    The hreflang attribute is an HTML tag that tells search engines the language and geographic region for which a particular […]

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  • HTML

    HTML, short for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It consists of a […]

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  • HTML Meta tag

    Meta tags are snippets of HTML code that provide information about the content of a web page to search engines. […]

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  • HTML Sitemap

    An HTML Sitemap is a Web page that lists and links all the important pages on a Web site. Unlike […]

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  • HTML Tag

    An HTML tag is an element of the HTML markup language that defines the structure and content of a web […]

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  • HTTP

    HTTP, which stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, is the network protocol used to transfer data over the Internet. When a […]

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  • HTTP/2

    HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP protocol, designed to improve Web performance by reducing latency and allowing […]

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  • HTTP Status Code

    HTTP Status Codes are three-digit codes sent by a Web server in response to an HTTP request from a browser, […]

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    HTTPS, which stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, is the secure version of HTTP. The major difference lies in the […]

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  • Impression

    In the context of digital marketing, an impression occurs when an ad or other content element is displayed once on […]

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  • In Content - IC (SEOZoom)

    In Content, often in the acronym IC, is a percentage value found in SEOZoom that indicates how many websites in […]

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  • Inbound Link

    An inbound link is a link from another website that points to our website. It is essentially a synonym for […]

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  • Inbound Marketing

    Inbound marketing is a strategy that focuses on attracting customers through relevant and useful content and interactions. Unlike traditional marketing, […]

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  • Index

    In the digital and search marketing context, index is a database in which various search engines store and retrieve information […]

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  • Index Coverage

    The Index Coverage Report is a tool provided by Google Search Console that provides information about the indexing status of […]

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  • Indexing

    Indexing is a crucial stage in a search engine‘s work process, following the crawling or crawling phase and preceding ranking. […]

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  • Infographic

    An infographic is a visual representation of information or data. It is an effective way to present complex information in […]

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  • INP (Interaction to Next Paint)

    Interaction to Next Paint, acronym INP, is a metric that measures the time between when a user interacts with a […]

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  • Insights

    In the context of digital marketing, insights refers to significant understandings or discoveries that are obtained by analyzing data from […]

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  • Internal link

    An internal link is a link that points to another page on the same website. Internal links help improve website […]

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  • Internal Linking

    Internal linking is an SEO practice of creating links between pages on the same website. These internal links allow users […]

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  • Internal Search

    Internal Search is a feature that allows users to search for specific content within a website, rather than through an […]

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  • Internet

    The Internet is a vast global network that connects billions of computers around the world, enabling users to communicate and […]

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  • Interstitial

    In the context of digital marketing, an Interstitial is an ad format that appears temporarily before the user can access […]

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  • IP Address

    An IP address, or Internet Protocol address, is a unique number assigned to each device connected to the Internet. IP […]

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  • ISP (Internet Service Provider)

    An ISP or Internet Service Provider is a company that provides access to the Internet. ISPs can provide services through […]

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  • JavaScript

    JavaScript is a programming language used to create and control dynamic content on websites, such as animations, complex interactions, real-time […]

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  • JPEG

    JPEG, which stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, is a common file format for images. It is particularly good for […]

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  • JSON

    JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data format used for data exchange. It is easy for humans […]

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  • KD - Keyword Difficulty (SEOZoom)

    Keyword Difficulty is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that indicates the difficulty of ranking for a given keyword and estimates the […]

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  • Keyword

    Keyword, or keywords, is a term that describes the content of a web page. Keywords are important for SEO because […]

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  • Keyword Analysis

    Keyword analysis is a fundamental process in the field of SEO and digital marketing that involves the study and selection […]

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  • Keyword Cannibalization

    Keyword Cannibalization occurs when several pages on the same website compete for similar or even the same keywords. This can […]

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  • Keyword Density

    Keyword Density is a measure of how many times a specific keyword appears in a text compared to the total […]

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  • Keyword Research

    Keyword Research is the process of finding and selecting keywords to target in SEO and content marketing strategies. More analytically, […]

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  • Keyword Stuffing

    Keyword Stuffing is an SEO malpractice that consists of inserting a large number of keywords into the content of a […]

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  • Knowledge Graph (Google)

    Google’s Knowledge Graph is a knowledge system launched in 2012 that aims to improve search results by providing more precise […]

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  • Knowledge Panel (Google)

    Knowledge Panels are information boxes that appear in Google search results and provide a summary of the most relevant information […]

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  • KO - Keyword Opportunity (SEOZoom)

    Keyword Opportunity is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that estimates the level of opportunity to position a keyword in TOP10 based […]

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  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

    A KPI, or Key Performance Indicator, is a measure used to evaluate the effectiveness of a strategy or activity in […]

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  • Landing Page

    The Landing Page is a key element in the world of digital marketing. It is a web page specifically designed […]

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  • Latency

    In the context of digital marketing, latency refers to the time between a user request and server response. It can […]

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  • Lazy Loading

    Lazy loading is an optimization technique that delays the loading of noncritical resources, such as images and videos, until they […]

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  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)

    Largest Contentful Paint, often summarized as LCP, is a web performance metric that measures how long it takes the largest […]

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  • Lead

    A lead is an individual or organization that has shown interest in a product or service. This interest can be […]

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  • Lead Generation

    Lead generation or lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and potential customers into leads. This can […]

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  • Lead nurturing

    Lead nurturing is a marketing process of building relationships with potential customers (leads) at every stage of the sales funnel […]

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  • Link

    A link, from the original hyperlink, is a clickable reference in a digital document that leads to another part of […]

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  • Link Building

    Link building is an SEO strategy that involves the acquisition of new incoming links to one’s website from other websites; […]

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  • Link Earning

    The term link earning refers to an SEO strategy that aims to earn links naturally and organically, rather than buying […]

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  • Link equity

    In the context of digital marketing and SEO, the concept of link equity, also known as link juice, describes the […]

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  • Link Farm

    A link farm is a group of websites that link to each other in an attempt to manipulate search engine […]

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  • Link Juice

    Link Juice is an informal expression to describe the same concept as link equity, and thus to describe the value […]

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  • Link Rel Attribute

    Link rel attributes, short for “relationship,” are used in HTML to specify the relationship between the current page and the […]

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  • Load Time

    Load Time, or loading time, is the time it takes to fully load a web page on a user’s device. […]

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  • Local SEO

    Local SEO is a search engine optimization strategy that focuses on improving a brand’s visibility in local searches. This is […]

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  • Long Tail Keyword

    Long Tail Keywords or “long-tail” are longer, more specific search phrases, usually consisting of three or more terms, that tend […]

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  • Lookalike Audience

    Lookalike Audience is an online advertising concept that identifies users who are similar to an existing or known audience. For […]

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  • LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing)

    LSI, or Latent Semantic Indexing, is a method used by search engines to better understand the content of a web […]

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  • Magento

    Magento is an open source e-commerce platform that offers merchants a flexible system for managing their online store. With a […]

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  • Marketing Automation

    Marketing automation refers to the use of software to automate repetitive marketing activities. This can include activities such as sending […]

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  • Maslow's pyramid

    Maslow’s Pyramid, or Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, is a psychological model proposed by American Abraham Maslow in 1943. This model […]

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  • Meta Description

    The Meta Description is a brief summary of a web page that appears in search engine results. Technically speaking, it […]

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  • Meta Keywords

    Meta Keywords are a type of tag that webmasters can use to indicate to search engines the main keywords of […]

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  • Meta Tag Robots

    The robots meta tag is an HTML element that provides instructions to search engines on how they should deal with […]

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  • Metadata

    The term metadata refers to a set of data that describes and provides information about other data. In the context […]

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  • Migration

    In the context of the Web, the term migration refers to the process of moving a website from one environment […]

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  • Mobile First

    Mobile First is a web design principle that suggests designing for mobile devices first and then adapting the design for […]

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  • Mobile First Index

    Google’s Mobile First Index is a change in the search engine’s indexing approach, in which the mobile version of a […]

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  • Mobile Friendly

    A Mobile Friendly website is designed to work well on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The principles behind […]

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  • Monetization

    In the digital sphere, monetization refers to the process of converting a digital asset, such as a website, mobile app, […]

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  • Multichannel Marketing

    Multichannel marketing is a strategy that involves interacting with customers across multiple channels, both online and offline. This can include […]

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  • Native Advertising

    Native advertising or Native ADV is a type of advertising that adapts to the appearance and function of the medium […]

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  • Navigation

    In the SEO context, navigation refers to the structure and organization of a website that helps users move from one […]

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  • Niche (Market)

    In marketing, niche refers to a specific, well-defined market segment. Usually, the niche is a subset of a larger market […]

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  • NoFollow

    NoFollow is a value that can be assigned to a rel attribute in an HTML link to indicate to search […]

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  • NoIndex

    NoIndex is a directive that can be used in a Meta Tag Robots to tell search engines not to index […]

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  • Off Page SEO

    Off-Page SEO refers to all search engine optimization activities that occur outside the website of one’s own management. It is […]

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  • Off Site SEO

    Variant, less widely used, of Off Page SEO. It refers to all optimization activities on a site that occur outside […]

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  • On Page SEO

    On-Page SEO refers to all search engine optimization activities that occur on the website of one’s control. It is thus […]

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  • On Site SEO

    Less common variant of On Page SEO: refers to all optimization activities that are under the direct control of the […]

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  • Optimization

    Optimizing a site means making changes to the design, content, structure, and code of a website to improve its performance […]

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  • Organic Search

    The term organic search refers to search results that are displayed in search engines based on their relevance to the […]

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  • Organic Traffic

    Organic traffic is defined as what a site gets only through organic search. This means that users found the website […]

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  • Orphan Page

    An orphan page is a page on a Web site that does not receive links from other pages on the […]

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  • Outbound Link

    An outbound link is a link that leaves one website to point to a resource on another and different website. […]

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  • Outreach

    In digital marketing, outreach refers to the process of contacting individuals or organizations in one’s industry or niche to establish […]

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  • Page Experience (Google)

    Page Experience is a set of factors that Google considers important in measuring user experience on a web page. These […]

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  • Page Speed

    PageSpeed refers to the speed at which a single web page loads. Specifically, it measures the time it takes to […]

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  • Page View

    A Page View is a count of how many times a web page has been viewed by a user. Views […]

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  • PageRank (Google)

    PageRank is the name of one of the first, and most well-known, algorithms used by Google to determine the importance […]

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  • Paid Search

    Paid search is a form of digital advertising in which advertisers pay to appear in search engine results. This is […]

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  • Panda (Google Algorithm)

    Panda is an update to Google’s algorithm introduced in 2011 to improve the quality of search results. It was introduced […]

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  • PBN - Private Blog Network

    A PBN, or Private Blog Network, is a network of websites or blogs that have been created or acquired for […]

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  • PDF (Portable Document Format)

    PDF is a file format developed by Adobe Systems in 1993, designed to present documents that include text, images, and […]

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  • Penalty

    In the SEO field, a penalty occurs when a website suffers a reduction in its ranking in a search engine’s […]

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  • Penguin (Google Algorithm)

    Penguin is an update to Google’s algorithm, introduced in 2012 to combat webspam and manipulative search engine optimization techniques, particularly […]

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  • People Also Ask

    People Also Ask, abbreviated as PAA, is a Google feature that displays a selection of questions related to a user’s […]

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  • Permalink

    A permalink is a URL that points to a specific web page or blog post and is intended to be […]

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  • Persona

    In marketing jargon, persona is a detailed, semi-fictional profile that represents the ideal target audience for a campaign, especially in […]

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  • PHP

    PHP is a popular open-source server-side scripting language used primarily for developing dynamic websites and web applications. PHP is a […]

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  • Pixel

    In the context of marketing, a pixel is a small snippet of tracking code that is placed on a website […]

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  • Plugin

    A plugin is a piece of software that adds extra functionality to an existing program, a component that allows for […]

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  • PM - Partial Match (SEOZoom)

    Partial Match or PM is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that analyzes the level of title optimization achieved by pages in […]

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  • Pogo Sticking

    Pogo sticking is a phenomenon that occurs when a user clicks on a search result, does not find what he […]

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  • Pop-Up

    A pop-up is a type of window that appears above the content of a website. In its most common application, […]

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  • PPC (Pay per click)

    Pay Per Click, often summarized in the acronym PPC, is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay each time […]

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  • PR (Public Relations)

    Public Relations, more common in English Public Relations or PR, is a communication strategy that organizations use to manage and […]

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  • Pre-Rendering

    Pre-rendering is a technique used to improve the loading speed of Web pages and is part of the complex mechanism […]

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  • PrestaShop

    PrestaShop is an open source CMS that allows users to create customized online stores, one of the very first examples […]

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  • Programmatic ADV

    Programmatic advertising, also known as Programmatic ADV, is an automated method of buying, selling, or placing advertisements online. This process […]

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  • Proxy Server

    A Proxy Server is a server that acts as an intermediary between the user and the Internet. When a user […]

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  • PWA (Progressive Web App)

    Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs, are web applications that use the latest web technologies to provide a user experience similar […]

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  • PZA - Page Zoom Authority (SEOZoom)

    Page Zoom Authority (PZA) is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that immediately informs about the authority of the individual web page […]

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  • Quality Score

    The Quality Score is an index used by Google Ads to determine the quality and relevance of ads, keywords, and […]

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  • Query

    In the context of digital marketing and SEO, a query is the term or phrase that a user enters into […]

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  • Query (Search Query)

    A Search Query is the term or phrase that a user enters into a search engine box. Search queries can […]

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  • Query String (URL Parameters)

    Query string, sometimes also URL parameters, is a specific part of the URL that contains query parameters The difference between […]

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  • Rank

    In the context of SEO, position or rank literally refers to where a website appears in the search results of […]

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  • Ranking

    In SEO, ranking or positioning has two meanings. It can in fact literally refer to the position that a website […]

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  • Ranking Factors

    Ranking factors or ranking signals are the criteria that search engines use to determine the order of search results. Classically, […]

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  • Reach

    In digital marketing, reach refers to the total number of people who saw or interacted with a given piece of […]

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  • Reciprocal link

    A reciprocal link occurs when two websites establish an agreement to place an outbound link from site A to site […]

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  • Redirect

    A redirect is a method used to redirect users and search engines from one URL to another, and more specifically […]

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  • Redirect Chain

    A redirect chain occurs when there is a series of redirects from one URL to another on the site. In […]

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  • Redirect Loop

    A redirect loop, as the name suggests, occurs when one redirect leads to another that in turn leads back to […]

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  • Referral

    In the context of SEO and digital marketing, a referral refers to a visitor coming to a website from another […]

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  • Referral Traffic

    In digital marketing, Referral Traffic is a category of web traffic that comes from links on other websites or from […]

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  • Remarketing

    Remarketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves presenting ads to people who have already visited the website or used […]

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  • Render Budget

    Render Budget is a concept introduced by Google that refers to the amount of resources Googlebot is willing to use […]

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  • Rendering

    Rendering refers to the process by which a Web browser interprets an HTML code and displays it as a Web […]

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  • REP (Robots Exclusion Protocol)

    The Robots Exclusion Protocol, REP, is a set of standard rules that webmasters can use to instruct search engine robots […]

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  • Responsive Design

    Responsive Design is an approach to web design that aims to make web pages visible and functional on a variety […]

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  • Retargeting

    Retargeting is a digital marketing strategy that involves presenting ads to people who have already interacted with the brand in […]

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  • Rich Results

    Rich Results, or Multimedia Results, are a type of Google search results that have special features or special information that […]

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  • Rich Snippet

    They are called Rich Snippets and are essentially “enriched text fragments” that Google shows in addition to the classic snippets […]

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  • Robots.txt

    The Robots.txt file is essentially a standardized text file that webmasters use to instruct search engine robots (hence the name) […]

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  • ROI (Return On Investment)

    ROI stands for Return on Investment. It is a metric used in economics and finance to measure the effectiveness of […]

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  • RSS Feed

    An RSS Feed is a data format used to provide users with regular updates of web content, such as blog […]

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  • SA - SERP Affinity (SEOZoom)

    SERP Affinity is a proprietary SEOZoom value that indicates as a percentage how similar the examined keyword is considered to […]

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  • Schema Markup

    Schema markup or markup is a code to be added to Web site pages to help search engines provide more […]

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  • is a collaborative project started in 2011 by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex to create a common vocabulary of […]

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  • Scroll Depth

    Scroll depth is a measure of how far users scroll through the pages of a website. It is often tracked […]

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  • SEA (Search Engine Advertising)

    SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising and is a form of digital marketing that involves placing paid ads in search […]

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  • Search Engines

    Search engines are essentially softwares that allow users to search for information on the Internet. To simplify, they represent the […]

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  • Search History

    Search History refers to the list of searches a user has made on a search engine. Search engines can use […]

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  • Search Intent

    Search Intent, or search intention, refers to what a user hopes to achieve by performing a search on a search […]

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  • Seasonality

    In the digital field, seasonality refers to periodic and predictable changes in consumer activity or behavior that occur at specific […]

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  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

    Search Engine Marketing, or more often SEM, is the set of digital marketing strategies that involve the use of search […]

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  • Semantic SEO

    Semantic SEO is an approach to search engine optimization that focuses on the meaning and context of keywords, rather than […]

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  • SEO Audit

    An SEO audit is a detailed process that evaluates a website’s search engine optimization, with the goal ofè identifying areas […]

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  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and indicates is the complex process of optimizing a website to improve […]

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  • SEO Specialist

    An SEO Specialist is a professional expert in search engine optimization strategies and techniques, whose goal is to improve a […]

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  • SERP Features

    SERP features are all the special features and elements that appear in Google’s search results pages in addition to the […]

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  • SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

    The Search Engine Results Page, or simply SERP, is the page that is displayed when a user performs a search […]

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  • Server

    A server is a computer system or software application that provides services, data, resources or programs to other computers, known […]

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  • Server Response Time

    Server Response Time (SRT) refers to the time it takes a server to respond to a request from a web […]

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  • SGE (Search Generative Experience)

    The “search generative experience” is a new search system developed by Google in 2023 that uses artificial intelligence to generate […]

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  • Share of Voice (SOV)

    The term Share of Voice (SOV) refers to the visibility of a brand or product within its market relative to […]

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  • Shopify

    Shopify is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that enables businesses and individuals to create and manage customized online stores. Founded in […]

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  • Site Speed

    Site speed is an overall measure that reflects how fast the pages of an entire website load, on average. Unlike […]

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  • Site Structure

    Site structure, or site architecture, refers to the organization and arrangement of pages within a website. A clear and logical […]

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  • Snippet

    A snippet is a fragment of information that appears on Google’s search results page and provides users with a preview […]

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  • Social Media

    Social media are online platforms that allow people to connect and interact with each other, share content, and participate in […]

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  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

    Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of digital marketing that uses social media as a tool to promote products, […]

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  • Social Signals

    Social signals are a concept that refers to users’ interactions with a brand’s content on social media, such as likes, […]

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  • Spam

    In the digital context, Spam refers refers to unethical or deceptive practices used to manipulate search engines or flood users […]

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  • SpamBrain

    SpamBrain is a machine learning-based artificial intelligence system developed by Google to identify and combat spam in search results. It […]

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  • Spamdexing

    Spamdexing denotes a set of unfair practices for manipulating search engines to allow indexing of content that would otherwise not […]

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  • Spider

    Spider, also known as a crawler or bot, is an automated software used by search engines to explore and index […]

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  • SSL Certificate

    An SSL certificate is a digital data file that links a cryptographic key to an organization’s or individual’s information. When […]

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  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

    SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, is a standard security protocol that establishes an encrypted connection between a web server […]

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  • Strategy

    In the SEO and digital fields, strategy is an action plan designed to achieve specific marketing goals through the use […]

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  • Structured Data

    Structured data is a kind of information formatted in a way that is easily understood by machines. In the SEO […]

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  • Subdomain

    A subdomain is a division or extension of the main domain. It is used to organize and divide the content […]

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  • Subfolder

    Dal punto di vista tecnicom sottocartella o subfolder è una directory situata all’interno di un’altra directory in una struttura gerarchica […]

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  • Submission

    In the SEO context, submission refers to the process of submitting a Web site or specific Web pages to search […]

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  • SWOT Analysis

    SWOT analysis or SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of […]

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  • Syndication

    In the digital and media context, syndication refers to the distribution of content from an original source to multiple destinations […]

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  • Tag

    The term tag refers in the Web context to a label or indication that serves to categorize, organize or describe […]

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  • Target Audience

    The Target Audience refers to the specific group of people to whom a company, product, ad or content is directed […]

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  • Targeting

    Targeting is the process of defining and selecting the target audience for a marketing or advertising campaign, and refers to […]

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  • Taxonomy

    In digital and SEO, taxonomy refers to the systematic classification and organization of content within a website by defining categories, […]

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  • Technical SEO

    Technical SEO is a key component of Search Engine Optimization that focuses on optimizing the technical aspects of a website […]

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  • Template

    The term template, in the context of digital marketing and SEO, refers to a predefined file or model that can […]

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  • Text Ad

    A Text Ad is a form of online advertising that uses text exclusively to convey a promotional message and promote […]

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  • Thin content

    Thin content refers to web pages with content of low quality or value to the user. This can include pages […]

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  • Time on Page

    Time on page is a metric used in web analytics to assess how much time a visitor spends on a […]

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  • Title (Title Tag)

    The title, or title tag, is the HTML element that defines the title of a web page and is a […]

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  • TM - Title Match (SEOZoom)

    Title Match, acronym TM, is a metric originating from SEOZoom that analyzes the level of title optimization achieved by pages […]

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  • Traffic

    In the context of digital marketing and SEO, the term traffic refers to the flow of visitors to a website […]

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  • Traffic Share (SEOZoom)

    Traffic Share is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that allows you to view the percentage breakdown of the overall traffic generated […]

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  • Trend Prediction (SEOZoom)

    Trend Prediction is a proprietary SEOZoom algorithm that allows accurate information about search volumes in real time, the only one […]

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  • TrustRank

    TrustRank is an algorithm developed to help search engines distinguish trustworthy, high-quality websites from low-quality or spam websites. Its origins […]

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  • Trustworthiness (Trust)

    Trustworthiness, sometimes also simply Trust, which can be translated to Trust or Reliability in Italian, is one of the components […]

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  • TTFB (Time To First Byte)

    Time to First Byte, often in the acronym TTFB, is a measure that indicates the time it takes for a […]

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  • TTI (Time to Interactive)

    Time to Interactive, acronym TTI, is a performance metric that measures the time it takes for a web page to […]

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  • TZA - Topical Zoom Authority (SEOZoom)

    Topical Zoom Authority is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that helps to quickly evaluate sites within individual niches. Using this value, […]

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  • UGC (User Generated Content)

    User Generated Content, usually rendered in acronym UGC, refers to any form of content created and shared by end users […]

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  • UI (User Interface)

    User Interface (acronym UI), is the set of graphical elements, controls, and spaces through which a user interacts with a […]

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  • Unique Visitor

    Unique Visitor is a term used in Web analytics to refer to an individual who has visited a Web site […]

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  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

    URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator: in simple terms, a URL is the web address of a specific resource on […]

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  • Usability

    Usability is a key concept in website and application design, referring to the ease with which users can use a […]

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  • User Intent

    User Intent is a variant of Search Intent: it refers to the goal a user has in mind when performing […]

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  • UTM

    UTM stands for “Urchin Tracking Module” and refers to a system of URL parameters used to track the effectiveness of […]

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  • UX (User Experience)

    User Experience, often with the acronym UX, is a concept that describes the overall quality of a user’s experience when […]

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  • Visibility

    In the context of digital marketing and particularly in the field of SEO, visibility refers to the ease with which […]

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  • Visit

    A visit, in the field of Web traffic analysis, refers to a single session of a user’s interaction with a […]

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  • Voice Search

    Voice Search is a technology that allows users to search the Internet using their voice instead of typing a query. […]

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  • Web 2.0

    The term Web 2.0 describes the second generation of Web services and applications, and specifically refers to the transition of […]

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  • Web Design

    Web design refers to the design of the appearance and layout of a website and denotes the art and practice […]

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  • Web Development

    Web development is the process of creating and maintaining a website or web application. This work can range from creating […]

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  • Webinar

    Born from the fusion of the words “web” and “seminar,” webinar is a neologism for precisely a seminar or presentation […]

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  • Website

    A web site, or website, is a set of related web pages usually common to an Internet domain or subdomain, […]

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  • White Hat SEO

    An expression used in the field of Search Engine Optimization to describe ethical practices that conform to search engine guidelines […]

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  • Widget

    A Widget is a software component that adds specific functionality to a Web site or Web page, often without requiring […]

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  • Wix

    Wix is a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use […]

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  • WordPress

    WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) for creating and managing websites. Released in 2003, it has quickly […]

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  • WWW (World Wide Web)

    The World Wide Web, commonly known as the Web, is a system of interconnected hypertext documents accessible via the Internet. […]

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  • XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

    XML, short for eXtensible Markup Language, is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in […]

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  • XML Sitemap

    An XML Sitemap is a file that helps search engines understand the structure of a Web site by indicating all […]

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  • YMYL (Your Money or Your Life)

    YMYL is an acronym that stands for “Your Money or Your Life“-it is an expression used by Google to describe […]

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  • YouTube

    YouTube is a Web 2.0 online video sharing platform founded on February 14, 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and […]

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  • Z-Index

    In web design, the Z-index is a CSS property that determines the stacking order of elements when they overlap in […]

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  • ZA - Zoom Authority (SEOZoom)

    Zoom Authority is a proprietary SEOZoom metric that estimates the authority of a website, with a numerical value on a […]

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  • Zero click search

    A Zero Click Search, or Clickless Search, occurs when a user gets the information he or she needs directly from […]

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