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Branded keyword

A branded keyword is a keyword that includes the name of a specific brand or product.

They represent a classic expression of navigational search intent because they are the terms generally used by people using the search engine to access a specific Web site or Web page-they are especially important for businesses because they are associated with a high intent to purchase or interact with the brand.

In particular, searches that include branded keywords indicate that the user is already familiar with the brand and intends to make a purchase or is interested in a more targeted action such as seeking support or information about a specific product.

Branded keywords can occur in a variety of ways and include:

  • The brand name alone (e.g., “Nike”).
  • A combination of the brand name and a type of product or service they offer (e.g., “Apple iPhone”).
  • A combination of the brand name with terms related to specific product lines, models or services (e.g., “Samsung Galaxy” or “Sony PlayStation”).
  • Distinctive slogans or phrases associated with the brand (e.g., “Just Do It” for Nike).
  • Names of specific advertising campaigns (e.g., “Share a Coke” by Coca-Cola).
  • Character or celebrity names associated with the brand (e.g., “George Clooney Nespresso”).

For companies, optimizing their website and content for branded keywords is essential to capture qualified traffic from users who have already shown interest in the brand. In addition, it is important to monitor and protect branded keywords to maintain control over one’s online reputation and ensure that correct and official information is easily accessible to users searching for the brand.



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