
Do technical terms and acronyms confuse you?
Our glossary is here to help you: simple definitions and useful links to decipher and understand the key concepts of digital marketing and SEO, helping you turn complexity into opportunities for growth


In the context of SEO and digital marketing, a referral refers to a visitor coming to a website from another site, not through a search engine. This occurs when a user clicks on a link to another site, and the destination site records the source site as a “referral” in its traffic data – hence the term referral traffic.

The term referral can also refer to referral programs, in which companies incentivize customers to refer new customers to their service or product, often in exchange for discounts or other benefits. This use of the term comes from the English verb “to refer,” which means “to refer to” or “to send to”-in this case, an existing customer is “sending” a new customer to the company.

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