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Title (Title Tag)

The title, or title tag, is the HTML element that defines the title of a web page and is a key element in the SEO world.

It is a short text, usually no longer than 60 characters, that describes the content of a web page. This tag is visible in the browser tab when the page is opened and, more importantly, is the title that appears in search engine results snippets.

The Title Tag has a significant impact on the user’s perception of your site and their decision to click or not to click, and thus on the actual click-through rate (CTR) of a page, and should be accurate, concise, engaging, and relevant to the content of the page, with appropriate keywords to improve a page’s visibility in search results.

The title is distinct from the H1 element, which is the main title displayed within the page content and should reflect the main topic or focus of the page. While the Title Tag is intended for search engines and users browsing search results, the H1 is intended for site visitors and helps structure the content for better readability.

Both are important for SEO, but serve slightly different purposes: the Title Tag to attract visitors from the SERP, the H1 to present the content once the user is on the site. Therefore, it is suggested that the Title Tag and the H1 be distinct but complementary: the Title Tag should capture attention and encourage clicking from outside, while the H1 should immediately confirm to the user that they are on the right page and guide them through the content. In addition, while a page can have multiple H1 tags (although using a single H1 is generally considered best practice for structural clarity), it should have a single, optimized Title Tag to effectively communicate the page’s theme to search engines and users. Consistency between Title Tag and H1 is critical to provide a smooth user experience and to reinforce thematic relevance for SEO purposes.

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