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PBN – Private Blog Network

A PBN, or Private Blog Network, is a network of websites or blogs that have been created or acquired for the purpose of generating backlinks to a main site to improve its search engine rankings. These sites usually have existing “historical” authority because of their age or pre-existing backlinks, and the idea is that links from these sites can transfer some of this authority to the target site.

In a nutshell, PBNs are networks of Web sites that can be traced back to a single owner: although they do not necessarily represent a negative dynamic, historically they have been used for artificial link building, essentially grouping together low-quality domains created exclusively (or primarily) to host paid backlinks in order to force the ranking of linked sites.

Today, in fact, the use of PBNs is considered a “black hat SEO” technique, i.e., a practice contrary to search engine guidelines because it aims to deceive them rather than provide value to users.

Over time, Google and other search engines have therefore improved their algorithms to identify and penalize sites that use PBN and other manipulative link building techniques. This has led to a decrease in the effectiveness of PBNs and a significantly higher risk of penalties for sites that use them. Today, the SEO industry is focusing more on “white hat SEO” techniques that respect search engine guidelines and focus on creating quality content and getting backlinks in a natural and deserved way.

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