Query string: what it is, what it is for, how it impacts SEO
At first glance they may seem like minor technical details, but they have an impact that is likely to be when it comes to SEO. Query strings and URL parameters are very common elements in the address structure of Web sites: they are generally believed to be loved by developers and analytics scholars, while instead they create more problems on the user experience side, because endless combinations can create thousands of URL variants from the same content. Knowing how to manage them correctly therefore becomes essential if our goal is to optimize presence in search results and improve the efficiency of the site itself, and the key to success lies in the ability to balance the functional usefulness of these parameters-they actually serve to personalize, track and filter content within a site-with the needs of proper indexing and fruition of pages by users. In short, let’s find out what query strings and URL parameters are , why they are useful, and what cautions to take to use them in an SEO-friendly way.
What is a query string
A query string is the part of a URL that allows additional parameters to be passed to a Web page.
Technically speaking, it is the portion of the address that is after the question mark ? (which properly is the last element excluded from the query string) and includes two fields, the parameter itself and its value. It is used to convey specific information to the server, such as user preferences, filters, or tracking data.
In its most common form, it refers to a series of key-value pairs (e.g., ?parameter1=value1¶meter2=value2) that are used to generate a customized version of the same page or to track user activity. In this way, string queries allow the content of the page to be dynamically modified without having to create separate URLs for each possible variation.
With respect to the URL format, and given the variable nature of strings, the parameter syntax is not formally, uniquely, and precisely defined, but follows a pattern adopted by all browsers and scripting languages, with the = (equal) character introducing the value and the & (ampersand) character performing the function of co