SearchGPT: what it is and how SEO is changing

The news was in the air, and our Ivano, for example, talked about it in his “SEO for AI” outlining the SEO of the future, but nonetheless it had a very strong echo, causing a mix of interest, hopes and concerns. OpenAI finally announced the birth of the first search engine entirely based on artificial intelligence: it is called SearchGPT and is currently only a prototype available in limited access to a sample of users. The new system can retrieve data and information in real time and leverages its language models for artificial intelligence in an attempt to challenge Google’s monopoly in search, which for decades seemed unbreakable. OpenAI seeks to offer an alternative by focusing on a different approach that will inevitably impact tomorrow’s SEO as well!

What is SearchGPT

SearchGPT is an experimental artificial intelligence-based search engine developed by OpenAI that combines the most advanced AI models with real-time access to information available on the web.

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Based on OpenAI’s advanced artificial intelligence models, such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4o, the system is designed to offer fast and accurate answers and aims to revolutionize the way we interact with information online. Indeed, it aims to offer fast, accurate, and highly relevant answers to user queries, going beyond the operation of a simple traditional search engine to attempt to make online search a more conversational and intuitive experience.

How SearchGPT works: the AI-powered search engine

The new search engine is for now a prototype limited to a select group of 10,000 users and publishers to gather valuable feedback, as clarified by the official announcement that appeared in late July on the OpenAI website.

In the preview images released, however, we can get a glimpse of the appearance and operation of SearchGPT, which is quite similar to the interface of GPT-4o, known as “navigation mode.”

The user lands on the page where he or she finds a search box that asks, “What are you looking for?” After entering the query, SearchGPT will provide an answer that includes links to relevant sources within the textual answers, with additional results displayed in a sidebar.

This is where there is the big difference from classic search engines: after the answer result appears, the user can ask follow-up questions or click on the sidebar to open other relevant links to deepen and refine their search. There is also a feature called “visual answers,” but no information has come as yet on exactly how it works.

Some searches take the user’s location into account: in a supporting document, OpenAI writes that SearchGPT “collects and shares” general location information with third-party search providers to improve the accuracy of results (for example, showing a list of nearby restaurants or weather forecasts). SearchGPT also allows users to share more precise location information via an option in the settings.

SearchGPT’s distinctive and innovative features.

Unlike conventional search engines, which return a long list of often irrelevant web links, SearchGPT is therefore distinguished by