Guide to the 200 ranking factors on Google
On our articles we often talked about the ranking factors used by Google, key element to whoever approaches SEO activities or, simply, is going to work online. Therefore, it is now time to compile a a true and proper guide to the 200 ranking factors on Google, a.k.a the (over) two hundred signals, parameters and indicators that the huge Google algorithm takes into account in order to sort out its own SERPs and to provide result pages to each and every query launched by users, and that hence stand out as crucial element to whoever does SEO on Google. We are going to go through the complete list of ranking signals, distinguishing the official ones, the assumed ones, the talked about ones and so on, affecting every aspect of the website and its pages.
SEO factors, guide to Google and its algorithm
Before we begin to discover these ranking factors, let’s face another sensitive topic first, like the actual way to work of Google’s algorithm, which determines the success (or failure) of a web site or SEO strategy. A system that, in major part, still is quite mysterious even to the wide number of people and professionists that use it everyday, and that often sparked some mild conspiracy theories.