Today, users take for granted the ability to search a site for what they want when they want it, getting immediate and relevant results. In reality, for many online projects, internal search is a “frill” and not a business tool, and so they set up a generic search box or unoptimized tool on the site, which brings no benefits and even risks driving users away. Therefore, if SEO and SEM activities are working and are actually bringing people to the pages, we have a way to leverage these visits, deriving valuable information from them that can be translated into an effective and functional search and navigation path. The first step is simple, and consists precisely in strategically setting up an internal search bar on the site with which to track and analyze the searches made by users, which can help us optimize organic traffic and increase revenue and conversions.
What is the internal site search or on-site search
Called on-site search or internal search, it is a feature that allows users to search for specific content within a Web domain by entering the desired query into a search bar specifically integrated within the pages.
When implemented well, this feature turns the site into a digital library where any information is easily found, allowing users to quickly view products, articles or services that they cannot find at a glance by scrolling through categories, or that they call out differently.
Typically, this feature takes the form of a simple white search box, allowing each person to type in a term or longer query and get in response a list of results of r