On page SEO, what is it and how to optimize this aspect

To work on the page and internal elements before to intervene on activities external to the site: this is both one of the first suggestions we offer whoever is now going to approach the SEO world and one of the compass point guiding our consultancy strategy for web sites optimization. SEO is a set of connected elements and each of them can, directly or not, impact on site performance, and today we are going to talk about on page SEO and which factors to keep into account to make efficient and potentially high-performing a web page.

What is on page SEO

From a literal point of view, the expression “on page SEO” refers to the optimization of all those elements included within a web page in order to rank on search engines. Therefore, this is a wide and complex activity, as we already said in a previous article on page analysis, in regards of a long series of components like titles, meta descriptions, URLs, as well as architectural parameters, of the page’s readability and usability, up until content, keywords and internal links.

The most important on page SEO factors

We know that Google takes into account about 200 ranking factors for its SERPs, and on our guide we have also indicated which are the elements to work on in order to optimize the on page aspects of both a site and a page. SEO specialists and analysts, though, thinks that there are 5 fundamental areas of intervention to enhance on page SEO, that should always be assessed and verified when planning and monitoring a site.

A site is an organic ecosystem

The premise is that a site is an organic ecosystem made up of lots of different entities, as well as SEO is: therefore, to only focus on a single aspect might not offer the desired results. Not even links and editorial contents, whether pivotal in order to rank, represent the only factor evaluated for placement by search engines, that are becoming more and more complex and able to read plenty other parameters. pertanto, concentrarsi solo su un aspetto rischia di non offrire i risultati sperati.

And for that, having lots of backlinks could still be useless to make a slow site providing a negative user experience perform better, as well as the presence of decent quality contents could be penalized by intrusive interstitial on a mobile device, as we previously tried to explain with the specific articles we wrote about these topics.

On page SEO optimization, 5 factors to consider

Recently, Kristopher Jones on Search Engine Land tried to compile a list of the 5 main on page SEO element