Syndication: what it is, how it is done, and what it is used for

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Syndication is a term used in the publishing industry as early as the 19th century to refer to a group of newspapers that share articles and other content. Over time, thanks in part to technological developments, it has become by extension a key concept in content distribution in the modern landscape of digital marketing and online journalism. Indeed, “syndication” represents one of the most effective strategies for expanding the visibility and influence of content, but it is not without risk. In this article, we will explore in detail this concept, its historical evolution, and its implications in the world of the web and SEO.

What is syndication

Syndication is the process of authorizing and distributing original content from a primary source to multiple secondary platforms or websites. It is a strategy particularly used in digital marketing, journalism, and other forms of online and offline publishing because it allows for a wider dissemination of information, maximizes the potential for engagement, and expands the content’s audience.

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To speak of syndication, then, means that a piece of content-which may be an article, a video, or an infographic-is published on one main site and then repurposed in a lawful and regularized manner on other platforms, with the aim of reaching a wider audience.
