Not only tactics: how to set up a winning SEO strategy
Which are the characteristics of a winning project? Sure, there could be a pinch of luck, but generally there are some peculiarities that we can define fundamental for every kind of activity, online and offline, like the right combination of strategy, planning, intuition and, most of all, work! In the SEO field no one can improvise, because the optimization activity of the different aspects of a website is something to develop over time, closely supported by the development team or whoever is actually working all the needed changes to enhance it. Detta in altri termini, il successo SEO a lungo termine non poggia su un semplice insieme di azioni isolate, ma su una strategia efficace che permetta al brand e al sito di emergere su Google e di imporsi nella mente degli utenti, superando i competitor.
What is an SEO strategy
Let’s start with the basics: an SEO strategy is an action plan aimed at improving the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines, such as Google, with the goal of attracting qualified organic traffic, i.e., users who are genuinely interested in the content and products offered, and thus generate more conversions and revenue.