Google releases the June 2021 Core Update (and that is not all)

It is one of the most anticipated moments of the year, but when it finally arrives we are still baffled: we talk about the release of updates to the Google search algorithm, which continue to be seen with a mixture of feelings from the SEO community, divided between those who hope for an improvement and those who, probably the majority, fear possible negative shocks for their projects. Anyway, a few hours ago the June 2021 Core Update was launched in the United States, the first of the year (the previous was in fact the December 2020 Core Update), but it is not the only news announced by Mountain View.

Google June 2021 Core Update has started

As tradition, by now, right before the release of the algorithm we have a tweet by the @searchliaison account: at our midnight (7 p.m. of June 2nd, for the ET time zone) came the communication about the start, which will then became effective about five hours after (5.30 a.m. for us, 0.38 in the United States).

Annuncio dell'update su Twitter

This update will have a global implementation, an impact on all languages and will take about two weeks to complete.