We unveiled Google’s 45.46 and the new rules of SEO

New location, same enthusiasm and same passion: the We Make Future 2024 took place in Bologna instead of Rimini, and as is now tradition SEOZoom “occupied” a nice space in the exhibition area, where we welcomed (and hugged!) a lot of users and friends. But, above all, our Ivano Di Biasi stirred the waters a bit with his speech, which officially “introduced” the new magic number on Google: 45.46, which will change everything we thought we knew about SEO!

The 45.46 on Google and the new rules for SEO

We start right from Ivano’s talk, entitled “Data Driven SEO. SEO seen from a different perspective, that of Big Data,” which basically continues and deepens the analysis on the recent trends of Google SERPs, which confirmed the feeling that the search engine was always choosing the same sites at the top, attributing a huge specific weight to the brand and an almost total trust to the pages of these “lucky” sites.

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Ivano went further, analyzing with SEOZoom millions and millions of keywords, domains and URLs on Google – to be precise, a sample of 120,000,000 keywords, which required almost a month of SEOZoom data processing and the creation of a specific software, which ran non-stop for a full 27 days on his PC! The goal was not to discover the secrets of the algorithms, but to identify the search engine’s behavior in selecting the to