How to find and use the source code of every Web page

It is not just geek stuff: the source code is the representation of the HTML code of a website written in this programming language, that a machine (like the browser) reads and compiles in the image and functions and that we users can view in a simple way. It is, then, the real framework of the pages of our sites, which contains all the information that transmit to the browser, users and even to Google crawlers and which is transformed from an unprocessed text format, somewhat Matrix-like, into images, text, links and everything else that constitutes the visual and interactive experience of a website. So that is why knowing the source code can be important for SEO, too, since it determines the correct execution of a web page and provides information on the optimization potential.

What is the source code

When it comes to computer programming or software, the source code is the code used to create the program.

Similarly, in reference to a website, the source code,or HTML source code is the HTML or other code used to generate a web page on a browser, which can be viewed by anyone visiting the site (unless it is server-side code).

We can call it the hidden language behind every Web page we visit, expressed through a series of instructions written in programming languages that browsers interpret to present content and design to users.

The source code is therefore the textual representation of the programming behind any web page or software; it therefore contains all the HTML programming that allows the browser to organize the texts, the links and images of a document and the instructions to make all these elements appear on the user’s screen.

In the case of websites, this code can be viewed by anyone using various tools, and more simply through the web browser itself.

Visually, usually the web source code is distributed across multiple lines and in the eyes of the less experienced it can scare this set of strings and characters: in fact, it is simply the code that web browsers “read” to understand how to view the contents of a web page, and that is also read by Google and other search engines to find out what our site is about.

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