10 tips to create mobile friendly content
It is a fact and now well established: most people in the world connect to the Net through mobile devices, and according to StatCounter statistics over 55 percent of global web traffic currently comes from smartphones and tablets, while desktop has dropped to 45 percent of accesses. The numbers are similar in Italy as well, and this confirms to us that, now more than ever, it is time to continue working to improve the mobile friendly features of our site, putting together technical insights for the optimization of the mobile user experience and, no less important, more targeted interventions in content creation for the so-called mobile SEO, so as to ensure a smooth and engaging experience for our readers.
SEO Mobile: optimization must also consider content
Looking a little closer at the data on the diffusion of mobile connections in Italy, we can find further confirmation to what we were saying earlier, namely that page optimization for those who browse from smart devices is today unavoidable.
Specifically, Audiweb certifies that in Italy the online audience reached 43.4 million users, who browsed for 67 hours, equal to 2 days and 19 hours overall; analyzing the population between 18 and 74 years old, almost 40 million people browsed from mobile, equal to 92 percent of the total, who generated the bulk of the time online with more than 65 hours overall.
The report makes a focus precisely on the distribution of time spent online, which reflects what is called “the continued dominance of fruition from Mobile (Smartphone and/or Tablet),” capable of totaling 88.2 percent of the total time devoted to Internet fruition in our country.
The last piece of data that is useful to know concerns browsing preferences, which measure the time spent on different categories of sites and applications: in fact, it is Search, which garners more than 41 million unique users, accounting for more than 79 percent of all people online in Italy, that catalyzes attention.
In short, the numbers clearly tell us that mobile is the first channel we need to think about in order to hope to intercept users and that, a far from negligible aspect (although this is no surprise), Google is essentially the most viewed site by web surfers, who then start from those SERPs to complete their journey.
Yet, there is one aspect that we still risk neglecting: namely, we think about optimization for mobile devices in terms of working to ensure that web pages are usable from a technical standpoint, and thus, for example, responsive for viewing on a display of any size. But offering mobile-friendly sites and pages also means putting effort into creating content optimized for mobile users, focusing on the overall experience