Intense closing of the year for Google: its recap in December 21 Search News

The month of December 2021 was quite intense for the SEO and there were various announcements and interventions from Mountain View: thanks to the usual appointment with Google Search News on Youtube we can find out what the various Google teams were dedicated to in the final phase of 2021 and what innovations were introduced in the search system (and not only)so we make the point and do not lose track of these movements that often influence our SEO work.

December 2021 Google Search News, how the search engine changes

To tell the recent developments in the world of Google Search is as tradition John Mueller, which in this episode focuses on issues such as updating the documentation on the site Search Central, the latest interventions on Google ranking algorithms, the Log4j vulnerability and the possibilities to pause a site on Search, the Web Almanac 2021 of HTTP Archive, as well as updates on the Google Search Console and on the Mobile-first indexing.

Mueller presenta le novità del dicembre 21 di Google

Google Search Central’s birthday

The first topic on the agenda is the first birthday of the Google Search Central site, the new place where Google decided to bring together all the research documentation for site owners, covering all topics, from quality guidelines to details on the implementation of structured data, including suggestions for e-commerce and management of Javascript-based websites.

Recently, the Google SEO team also started collaborating on this project, which, as Mueller explains, “is isolated from the Search teams and also rely on our documentation to learn the SEO”, and which produced interventions to improve the content, the titles, descriptions and internal links to “make our pages easier to find”, as well as the new interactive checklist that helps to quickly find the content relevant to the specific situation of a browser.

Therefore, says the Search Advocate, not only “SEO is not a bad word, but also Google needs to do SEO”.

Goggle’s algorithmic updates

Moving more specifically to the Search system, Google recently introduced and announced two major updates to the ranking algorithms.

First, there was the