It is one of the most frequently rebounding question among the international SEO community, destined to become the true leit motiv of this year and maybe beyond: “How to optimize the site for Google BERT“? To imagine the reasons behind these concerns is quite easy given all the hype generated by the new algorithmic system of the search engine, and from Google also come some suggestions to put into practice on our contents.
Is it possible to iptimize a site for Google BERT?
Already back on the official Google BERT’s presentation day, Danny Sullivan took the risk of playing defense and further specified that “there are no real works of optimization to do on the sites” nor “strategies to rethink”, because the new algorithm only operates on language understanding. Very useful claims in order to clear the field from risky and improvised theories, but not to close the subject.
We can optimize contents
In fact, there is some work to do to optimize contents, even if not properly focused on BERT: we need to keep on writing with our users in mind, to provide them with useful and relevant information, to take care of who is actually reading our site pages, to pay extra attention to all those on page SEO aspects. Therefore, nothing special but to keep on publishing those famous “quality contents” according to the Google expression we all know and love.
In the past few days it was John Mueller to go back to the topic, during a YouTube hangout, with an explanatio