About this result, the feature with information about sites in SERP

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It debuted for English-language searches on Google U.S. desktop, mobile, and Android apps in February 2021, and almost two years later it has arrived here: we are talking about the About This Result feature, which as of October 26, 2022 is available for people searching in Portuguese, French, Dutch, German, Spanish, and precisely Italian in Europe. Its function is quite simple: by clicking on the three dots that appear next to each result placed in Google’s SERPs, search engine users display a widget that provides key information at a glance useful to better understand the website they intend to click on and get some more details about its reliability.

Google’s new feature to discover info on sites

This particular search results snippet is activated by clicking on the three vertical dots that appear to the right of the URL of the site placed: at this point, a new box