Seven years of SEOZoom: happy birthday to our suite!

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A look back, but with our minds firmly set on the future, both near and farther: birthdays are always a time to take stock of what we have sown and reaped, and this also applies to our suite. On December 15, 2015, in fact, SEOZoom officially debuted on the Italian market, and today – seven years later – we continue to pull straight towards the goals of expanding this tool, which is now ready to launch on international markets and compete on the big stages!

Seven years of SEOZoom!

We have covered it in past years as well – for those who want to catch up, here’s the full list of self-celebrating posts for December 15: maybe we are being a bit repetitive, but after all, a birthday is a cyclical event by definition! SEOZoom’s First Birthday; SEOZoom’s Second Birthday; SEOZoom’s Third Birthday; SEOZoom’s Fourth Birthday; SEOZoom’s Fifth Birthday; SEOZoom’s Sixth Birthday – and so in this 2022 we cannot make an exception.

Our suite officially debuted on December 15, 2015, and has been distinguished from day one by an approach that we have often called revolutionary to search engine optimization work: for example, SEOZoom was the first SEO tool in the world to propose specific algorithms for Search Intent, offer monitoring of pages and their content (and not trivially of keywords) and a high-level Editorial Assistant for the production of quality and useful content – functions that were then “liked” even by foreign competitors, who developed them and integrated them into their tools …

And this innovative spirit has been confirmed over the past year as well, as evidenced by the latest releases in terms of functionality and, more generally, the work done to sort out the last details of the 2.0 suite ahead of the “big debut” in January 2023.

SEOZoom 2.0 officially available from January

Indeed, this is the first news: from January 2023 the new version of SEOZoom will definitely be available for everyone, and thus we will complete the switch from the old version.

For those who haven’t tried it yet in the last few months, SEOZoom 2.0 definitely has another step compared to the previous one, because it presents new tools, renewed and improved features, but most of all a different system to support site optimization activities, based on the need to analyze SERPs, competitors and their content and identify users’ search intentions in real time, but also on the possibility to choose the preferred path thanks to a lot of different tools.

The latest features added to SEOZoom

We have had a concrete example of this in the past months, with the introduction of SERP Comparator, a feature that allows us to discover the latent affinity between lists of keywords and that differs from the other tools in the suite that offer similar information on SERPs (and in particular from the Editorial Assistant and the Suggest Editorial Plan feature in Your Keyword Research) in the type of approach and mode of analysis.

Specifically, SERP Comparator analyzes a list of free keywords, which we provide manually, scanning and comparing all the keywords individually with each other-while in other cases the comparison is focused only with the term identified as Main Keyword-and thus allows us to extend our research and refine our strategy, going exactly in the direction we want to go.

And then, it serves us to work at keyword research in a personal and subjective way, relating many seemingly disparate keywords from lists and directories of various kinds, to find out whether Google recognizes a relevancy of search intent and thus of ranked results.

Also original, in so many senses, is the other major tool launched in this 2022, namely Question Explorer: for the first time, in fact, an SEO tool really (and literally) revolutionizes keyword research, allowing to start the analysis from users’ real questions on Google, and not from the usual keywords. In fact, the tool scans the queries that are shown in Google’s SERPs and reveals all the keywords that the search engine’s algorithms consider relevant and useful to meet the user’s need, thus simplifying our operations to understand what kind of useful answer to provide through content.

An increasingly international suite

In addition, as the most attentive users will have already noticed, the new version is also more international: to the classic Italian database, which remains the largest and most extensive compared to its competitors, four other European databases are already being added, allowing the performance of sites, pages and keywords to be analyzed on the UK, French, German and Spanish versions of Google, and thus in English, French, German and Spanish, respectively.

This evolution is already visible in the analysis of a website: in fact, if the domain has pages also positioned in the other versions of Google tracked by SEOZoom, summary information on relative performance appears at the top of the screen. To be precise, the box quickly reports the total organic traffic, the number of keywords positioned and the number of keywords that have top10 positioning on that version of Google, as well as the Zoom Authority value for that country/language.

A look into the future: what lies ahead in 2023

It does not end here, because among the “good intentions” of the new year is a further extension of the platform to other markets and other languages, to really give all users the possibility to monitor the performance of their projects wherever in the world they are located and active.

This means, consequently, that SEOZoom continues to grow and is ready to challenge the big international competitors without any particular reverential fears.

In short, we have come a long way in these 7 years, and we have the ambition to travel a lot more!

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