SEOZoom and AI: 25 new tools for every site and content

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Twenty-five new tools to accompany in the creation and management of any type of content to be published online, for any type of site, and solve small problems and daily snags of the writing activity thanks to Artificial Intelligence. SEOZoom is enriched with a brand new section dedicated to AI tools, providing users with even more tools to achieve strategic goals and, specifically, to lay the groundwork for pages to host useful and quality content by leveraging integration with Artificial Intelligence.

SEOZoom Launches AI Tools

A set of simple, intuitive, and immediate tools that help get the job of writing done better for all professionals involved in the process, from the editor to the copywriter: that’s the simplest description of the new AI Tools section, which makes SEOZoom’s toolbox of editorial tools even more well-stocked and, most importantly, makes it even easier to write from an SEO perspective.

Each of the 25 tools performs a small task that is useful for copywriting: they range from simple spell-checking to generating concept maps and semantic maps, from insights into topics that are not thoroughly known to you to identifying topics and keywords relevant to the chosen topic, to creating category texts, product sheets, product descriptions, and whole sentences.

All powered by Artificial Intelligence, as is already the case with the automatic SEO text generation tool in Editorial Assistant, resulting in faster work, more and better articles, and never running into the infamous writer’s block.

Faster and more efficient work

The great advantage of this feature lies precisely in the extreme simplicity and understanding of how the tools work, which allow us to greatly reduce the time it takes to perform some of the most common tasks faced in the work of devising and writing text for a site.

In practice, the AI becomes our personal assistant, to whom we can delegate the most complex, time-consuming and tedious stages of the process, while we continue to focus on optimizing the most important aspects, drastically streamlining the amount of work.

How SEOZoom’s AI tools work: the technical information

All of these tools are powered by Artificial Intelligence currently based on GPT-3.5 (and soon GPT-4), driven by prompts tailored to the needs of content creators; in addition, each user has the ability to submit a request for the creation of a specific feature to be added to the package, where possible with the technology.

Then the disclaimer already launched for the other feature applies: the information in the outputs is generated directly by the AI and, in some cases, may not be precise, accurate or up-to-date (also due to “latency” of the AI system), and therefore always needs a human-side revisionary check, to avoid affecting the quality of the content we will later use on our sites.

The functionality interface is really basic, with instructions explaining and guiding the user. As is already the case with full text generation, these tools have an extra usage-based cost compared to the subscription to the suite: specifically, we are talking about a derisory price, in the order of a few cents (0.00082 cents per word generated in output), with the possibility of recharging the credit quickly and easily.

In addition to the classic suite – as mentioned, in the Editorial Tools menu – these AI Tools have also been added to the version of the Editorial Plan dedicated to copywriters – the dashboard that can be accessed from here, designed precisely tailored for copywriters who, through SEOZoom, want to get in touch with interested publishers, making themselves available for possible collaborations.

Access to the copy platform is completely free, and so copy can create an account without any commitment and without paying anything until they decide to top up their credit to use the AI tools.

What SEOZoom’s AI tools are useful for

AI can help in the work of writing without replacing the copywriter or other professionals: this has been our belief on the matter from day one (and since the first integration of this technology to the functionalities of our suite), convinced that these sophisticated systems can be a great advantage in a variety of situations and offer valuable support for creating better content, if guided and used correctly and consciously.

Esempio di revisione grammaticale

That is, it remains a tool, and should be used as such, to make our work easier and faster. A position, this one, that later turned out to be the line taken by Google, which expressed itself in similar tones about AI content management for SEO and Search purposes.

As mentioned, the 25 tools can serve any type of site and content, and are divided into five macro-categories:

  1. Copywriter Tools
  2. Language Support
  3. SEO Tools
  4. Tools for e-Commerce
  5. Tourism & Local

In the first group fall the main functions for finding ideas for content, and thus tools for acquiring information, getting ideas on what to write, getting help with sentence composition and overcoming writer’s block, generating semantic maps or finding pull quotes with which to enrich text (or to use for an effective claim for a promotional campaign).

Possibili claim per la keyword SEOZoom

In the linguistic support area there are a number of tools that help to enrich the text from a semantic point of view and avoid errors: starting with grammatical analysis and ending with the search for context-appropriate adjectives or synonyms and antonyms for words and phrases, up to the translation of the text and a revision complete with an indication of all the problems found (with a proposal for modification). For those who work with multilingual texts, moreover, we have also added an automatic translator that allows us to get content in whatever language we need (or can think of: the target language setting is free and, to say, it even works with Klingon!).

Esempio del tool di traduzione

Among the SEO tools, on the other hand, there are features more oriented to SEO writing, which show us how Artificial Intelligence can be an excellent ally in this area: analysis of relevant Topics, thematic keywords, identification of users’ search intentions on each topic are just some of the opportunities, complemented by the automated writing of title and description.

Also very useful are the proposals designed to simplify the work of content creation for e-Commerce, which allow us to improve category texts and product sheets in particular: in practice, it is enough to tell the Artificial Intelligence what type of product we sell in the category, provide input regarding relevant terms and, in a few moments, we will get SEO-optimized content. Or, we can launch the generation of a data sheet in bulleted list format starting from the descriptive textual description of the product, or conversely create a clear, descriptive text from a tabular data sheet.

Finally, in the group of tools for Tourism & Local we can ask AI to support our creativity in this area, specifically creating a list of “must see” places or key points of interest for each location we are working on.

A toolbox for writing

Thanks to these new AI-powered tools, SEOZoom is confirmed as the platform of excellence for making the work of content creation for each site easier, faster and, above all, more effective.

To AI Tools we can delegate most of the routine tasks of the ideation and text writing activity, getting with just a few clicks and a few cents ideas, insights and guidance on the topics we are working on, even without completely mastering the topic.

That is, we can take advantage of the potential of technology and Artificial Intelligence to put them at our service in a creative and intelligent way: perhaps not to write a whole text to be published directly, but to do grammar checks and suggest possible corrections, to quickly translate a passage into another language (or from another language into Italian) or to get a hint to overcome a block in front of a sentence or the title of a paragraph.

So many applications, in short, all at our fingertips to enable us to find the information we need in a few moments without having to browse dozens of websites, speeding up the data collection phase to devote ourselves to writing without delays or hindrances.

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