Our Editorial Assistant evolves: here comes the AI applied to SEO

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All the advantages and practicality of Artificial Intelligence combined with the information and effectiveness of our Editorial Assistant: from today, SEOZoom allows its users to use the potential of the most powerful AI systems based on GPT-3 (and soon GPT-4) to support the creation of texts optimized according to SEO best practices, thanks to the data of our suite. A necessary premise: this feature is a great tool that simplifies the task of writing and saves hours of work, but it should always be used in a conscious and “guided” way, both for practical and ethical issues.

The new feature for automated SEO text writing

Included in all our plans and available within both the Editorial Assistant and Editorial Plan (Editor mode), the article generation feature using Artificial Intelligence is based on the GPT-3 language model, which is already capable of producing text similar to natural human language, with the added value provided by the suite’s data, which allows content to be directed toward the satisfaction of users’ search intent.

What this means, in a nutshell, is that with SEOZoom, it is now possible to provide an SEO-oriented canvas for artificial intelligence to launch text generation through an SEO analysis done in real time on the content of competitors already positioned in SERP: in this way, the AI is guided to the drafting of a text that contains the topics and keywords that Google – and users – consider a priority in relation to the topic we are going to write about.

How to use the AI-driven text generation tool

In practice, content creation begins with setting up our target keyword and any secondary keywords we deem necessary to give depth to the article.In the text editor of the Editorial Assistant, we can then click on the “Generate Article” button and guide the AI in organizing the structure of the text.

In a simple and intuitive way, that is, we can decide how to compose the skeleton of the article, taking cues from the hea