SEO false myths, what to know on site migrations

No particularly new information, but a useful recap on some key topics that SEO should fully understand to avoid mistakes and trouble: the new episode of SEO Mythbusting on Youtube is dedicated to debunking the myths on the migration of sites, offering an overview of domain name changes, site mergers, partial migrations and more.

informazione particolarmente nuova, ma un utile recap su alcuni topic fondamentali che i SEO dovrebbero comprendere a pieno per evitare errori e guai: il nuovo episodio di SEO Mythbusting su YouTube è dedicato a sfatare i miti sulla migrazione dei siti, offrendo una panoramica anche sui cambi di nome del dominio, sulla fusione dei siti, sulle migrazioni parziali e altro ancora.

False myths on site migrations

Given the vastness of the topic, it is not surprising that this episode is also the longest ever in the series, with a duration of over 20 minutes; the guest is Glenn Gabe (Digital Marketing Consultant, G-Squared Interactive), which opens the episode telling an old experience of consulting, useful to introduce the topic.

Episodio di SEO Mythbusting sulla migrazione

Once, he says, “I helped a large-scale e-commerce site that had not made a redirected 301 to images, which therefore had not been transferred (we also cited it as a frequent error in our insight); so, The advice is to never forget to redirect even to images and visual content and then check if the process was successful”. For example, checking the log servers of the old domain to see if traffic has dropped, and when we notice that the crawling activity has dropped say goodbye to the site.

A topic that can be scary

It is still Gabe to point out that many site owners have a real fear to start the migration process, because they do not know sure what can happen; others instead perform the operations