Free Google Shopping now also coming to the UK and EU

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It is a period of turmoil for the Google team working on shopping products and there are announcements and launches, also in view of the sales period of the holidays at the end of the year: Only this week we talked about the tools to customize product information and, just yesterday, solutions for local businesses and consumers, but in the meantime there is another important news that closely concerns the UK. Later this October, the free Google Shopping showcase will finally be available for british businesses, and will help retailers to find new customers without the obligation to make advertising investments on Google.

Google Shopping free for the UK

Breaking the news is a post on The Keyword blog signed by Matt Brittin, President of Google Europe, Middle East e Africa, who informs us indeed that “in mid-Octobr” even the retailers of Europe, Middle East and Africa will have the opportunity to insert product listings for free in the Shopping tab, integrated in the Search.

As has been the case for about six months in the United States, the search results on the Shopping tab “will mainly consist of free product tabs, to help retailers find new customers while not making advertising investments on Google” and to give buyers the opportunity to make the right purchase “from a wider selection of products and shops, just in time for the most intense shopping period of the year”.

Advantages for retailers

The article highlights the advantages for retailers and focuses, in particular, on those who already use Google Ads to reach potential customers: for them, the free tool “also represents a boost for paid campaigns“and the results from the United States confirm this.