WMF! 2022, it was great to see you all again!

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For years now SEOZoom has been a regular (and welcomed, we are proud – but also confident, judging from the reception – to say) presence at the Rimini Web Marketing Festival – or rather, We Make Future-Festival of Digital Innovation, according to the new, more extensive meaning of the acronym – and we certainly couldn’t miss the 10th edition, which was already promising to be the “edition of records” in terms of the number of participants and personalities involved. At the end of the three days, staged in the new location of the Fiera di Rimini from 16 to 18 June, we returned home tired, voiceless (especially Ivano) but above all happy and satisfied with the experience and the contacts made, finally in person after years of inevitable virtuality.

WMF! 2022 in Rimini, the fair of records

For the first time at the Fiera di Rimini, with renovated and enlarged spaces compared to the previous venue of the Palacongressi, WMF number 10 welcomed more than 36,000 participants and 250 Italian and foreign exhibitors, offering a programme articulated in more than 100 events, 77 training and open stages dedicated to the main themes of digital and social innovation, including training, culture and entertainment.

The opening focused onb such as activism, respect for human rights and unity among peoples, in line with the mission of the event organised by Search On Media Group, namely ‘to build a better future by uniting skills and knowledge from all over the world’.

But the 2022 edition also gave a lot of space to more strictly tech and digital topics, such as SEO, Web3 and Metaverse, Nft, Space economy, Artificial intelligence, Cybersecurity, Crypto and Blockchain, Digital transformation, Journalism & Publishing, Coding, Social media strategies, Digital health, HR and Digital skills, up to and including social issues such as legality, sustainability, climate change and accessibility.

SEOZoom at the WMF in Rimini, our impressions

It was strange to be back in attendance three years after the last full edition, the WMF2019, which saw us as the protagonist of an event within the event, but it only took a few minutes to familiarise with the new location and welcome all visitors to our stand.

Il nostro team a Rimini

Also thanks to its strategic location, in the heart of one of the pavilions, our large stand attracted practically everyone who was in the area: it was impossible not to stop by, even if only out of curiosity! And so we were able to hug again (or at least see live) many customers who stopped by to say hello, show their affection and esteem, pick up a few gadgets, learn more about the new release, but also intercept a good audience of new people to whom we could introduce our suite.

SEOZoom events at WMF22

Also very successful were the many SEOZoom demos, both by group and one-to-one, conducted by our support team, very united, smiling, full of energy and enthusiasm, as can also be seen in the photos on the page.

Una demo di SEOZoom

But the most enthralling moment was undoubtedly the training session that saw Ivano Di Biasi as the protagonist, centred on the theme “How to analyse the SERPs of competitors and write texts that work”: the room was packed and our boss enchanted everyone by recounting the mistakes that are made in copywriting and the innovation that the in-suite tools bring to help in the work.

Ivano himself, together with Giuseppe Liguori, also did a series of wide-ranging interviews on SEO and SEOZoom which, we promise, you will soon find on our social media as soon as they are processed!

Intervista a Ivano Di Biasi

Elisa Contessotto, another pillar of our team, moderated the Journalism & Publishing room together with Antonio Borri: among the various reflections on this very interesting and topical topic, there was also a short debate on the profession of journalist meeting the needs of SEO, and it was Elisa who summarised our experience when training editorial staff and the new challenges from this point of view that online networks should have.

Elisa Contessotto alla sala Journalism&Publishing

Elisa again, on the very last day and before saying goodbye to Rimini for this year, attended the presentation of the book ‘Google Liquido’ by Giorgio Taverniti. In this book, Giorgio retraces and analyses the transformation that began at Google ten years ago, which has turned from a search engine into an ‘ecosystem’, and he dedicated a beautiful commentary to SEOZoom, reminding us that tools are an aid to SEOs and that data must be ‘read’, and our suite is a tool that uses and suggests.

We bid farewell to Rimini and prepare for a new event

The general spirit of the event and the impressions conveyed by all the people who passed by our stand (even if only to say hello or because of the curiosity aroused by our many gadgets) made us realise that we are going in the right direction and that SEOZoom really is making itself known to an increasingly wide audience.

Una foto di gruppo informale

Above all, the great emotions we took home from the WMF22 in Rimini gave us the impetus to focus even more strongly on training, to help our customers familiarise themselves more and more with all the functions and tools of the new suite (and in general with the obstacles that can be encountered in the course of day-to-day business), including through live events.

The first thing we did on our return, therefore, was to immediately imagine and organise a new ZoomDay, to be held at the Rari Nantes Napoli club on 9 and 10 September. This is the italian site where you can find all the information about the event and the programme, as well as buy tickets.

In short, we look forward to seeing you live and will soon have the opportunity to do so!

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