SMXL Milan 2019, here is the final Agenda of the Event

Microsoft’s Jason Miller, Brendan Kane, Aleyda Solis, Britney Muller and, as if it wasn’t enough, Bill Slawski that, with his 23 years on field, is by far the main and most famous SEO oriented Google licences’ expert. These are only a few names of the ones that actually are on the agenda of SMXL Milan 2019, the upcoming event that also sees SEOZoom among its featured guests.

SEOZoom will attend SMXL Milan 2019

At its 7th edition, the event will be taking place in Milan from the 5th to the 7th of November and – as mentioned before – will witness the strong contribution of our brand: SEOZoom is official sponsor of the event. Our CEO Ivano Di Biasi has been chosen as chairman SEO and for that will be on stage with all the other field specialists. In the end, our team will pursue a whole training day with SEO Doomsday.

SEO Doomsday’s agenda in Milan

Let’s discover this last issue, the new training rendezvous by SEOZoom: registrations officially start in the morning of the 6th of November at 9 a.m., followed by a first session concerning everything about keyword research. Elisa Contessotto will be in charge of guiding the audience to analyze an example niche market, every buyer personas and the inexpressed site’s potentials, starting with the study of a keyword, a query and the innovative and accurate way Google provides