Mobile first index, from Google indications to prepare for the switch
Since July 1 2019, practically a year ago, mobile first indexing has become the default system with which Google discovers and indexes new sites, as well as the one enabled for most sites currently scanned. This is not surprising, given the effort that the Mountain View team has dedicated to this topic, but the work is not yet finished and there are still many sites that are not ready for this switch: it is to them that is dedicated the latest article of the official blog of the company, that offers tips and hints to better prepare sites for mobile first indexing for everyone.
Default mobile first indexing for everyone by March 2021
The post, signed by Yingxi Wu (and from which all the images on the page are taken), starts with the news of the postponement of this final step to the indexing system via Googlebot smartphone: in spite of the initial plan – to enable the mobile-first indexing for all sites of the Search system already by September 2020 – the new “deadline” is the end of March 2021 (returning in practice to the date already announced on other occasions).
This decision was affected by the pandemic effect because, as we read in the article, “we realized that in this uncertain situation it is not always easy to focus on work as before, so we decided to extend the time” to prepare for the switch.
Main issues with the mobile first indexing
The slip has also become necessary because Google has noted that there are still many sites that are not yet ready for mobile-first indexing; in addition to the indications on the