Google Updates: all the updates to the search engine algorithm

Every day, the Google Search system undergoes an average of about 13 change operations, bringing the total to nearly 5,000 changes per year, which cause a more or less noticeable impact on the SERPs, the search results pages.

These Google updates encompass a wide range of operations, such as user interface changes, new feature launches, troubleshooting, and, most importantly, ranking interventions, between those that remain unconfirmed and the official Broad Core Updates, updates to Google’s overall Search algorithm in light of new quality metrics or search intent changes.

Each algorithm change and update by Google aims to always ensure the quality of search results for users, always providing the most relevant answers to the queries and needs of those using the search engine.

Thanks to this timeline and our blog articles, it is possible to keep track of all official and confirmed Google algorithm updates, to read the main information about each one and find out what aspects it is going to change, so that you can work on making the appropriate optimizations to your site and content.


  • 26 March 2018

    Google Mobile-first Index

    Google has officially started the roll-out of its mobile-first index: for the first time, indexing is based on the mobile version of pages. Read more

  • 26 October 2017

    Google RankBrain

    Google has made RankBrain official, a machine learning technology that supports the activities of the ranking algorithm and helps the ranking of web pages.

  • 20 March 2017

    Fred Update

    Google released a quality update to improve the relevance of search results, jokingly dubbed "Fred," which resulted in the downgrading of many sites with unhelpful, thin or copied content.

  • 23 February 2011

    Google Panda

    Finally starts Google Panda, an algorithmic update geared toward bringing out "more high-quality sites in Search".

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