SEOZoom rank tracker tools to analyze keywords and sites

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Rank tracking is one of the main activities to be performed in SEO and, more generally, in any activity related to an online project, and it is easy to understand why. In fact, keeping track of the changes in the most relevant keywords and the behavior of one’s site in the SERPs means understanding what are the strengths and weaknesses of a site and offers the possibility of being able to intervene to correct the course. Especially those who work in the world of SEO are practically forced to monitor the keywords of a project in order to know what results the content occupies in search engine rankings and check any progress made thanks to the techniques and solutions implemented. If we have the goal of increasing visits to our e-Commerce site or blog, in short, we cannot stop at writing quality content – or, even worse, to work without a structure – but we must follow up on the work by using SEO tools to perform these analyses, such as SEOZoom’s rank tracker features that allow us to monitor keywords and their performance.

What is a rank tracker

Translating from English, a rank tracker is simply a tool for keeping track of ranking, and thus, in specific reference to our business sector, a tool for monitoring the ranking of keywords on search engines, studying their performance, distribution, changes over time, and so on.

Ranking tracking is thus the practice of tracking the placement of URLs in search engine results pages for specific keywords over time, so as to detect trends and see the impact of SEO optimization.

How rank trackers work

There are a number of online tools available on the Web that help monitor site rankings for specific target keywords in a search engine, designed to facilitate tracking through quickly updated and easy-to-understand performance data.

In fact, rank tracker tools manage to perform position analysis in real time or with really low time lag compared to the reality shown by search engines, and they offer interfaces that must be simple, reliable and understandable to speed up operations and allow even those without special skills or experience to understand where and how to intervene to optimize online strategies, increase profits and foster business growth.

The use of this SEO tool allows us