How to use SEOZoom Plugin to optimize contents

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Online projects management is, as repeatedly said, a crucial point inside a hopefully winning strategy that, thanks to search engines optimization, would succeed in bringing organic traffic and better profits to the site. For that, every tool that can simplify and quicken procedures reveals itself as a valid support to webmaster, editors and copywriters, as long as effectively used: today we focus on the SEOZoom plugin, that can assist you through the creation of contents providing practical indications on SEO optimization.

SEOZoom Plugin for (but not limited to) WordPress

Web scenery is rich in examples of SEO plugins, mostly integrated to WordPress (that remains the most used CMS) and in many cases they also are free tools that can easily be added to our personal platform. The edge of SEOZoom plugin obviously is the chance to link it directly to the project registered in the suite, so to use the entire machine to optimize the content snd gsther precious info to build quality texts and articles.

What are SEO Plugins to WordPress

Similar to others SEO WordPress plugin, ours as well will allow you to receive suggestions on the composition of SEO-optimized texts, on the stock of traditional Google’s guidelines and best-practices, but also (and here lies the difference between ours and other famous seo wordpress plugins) on the SEOZoom experience in this field. The result is a true and always available assistant for every kind of need, to simplify and enhance both the job and the activity of who is creating and managing websites, with features directly accessible from WP and other builders’ admin panel.

Latest updates from SEOZoom Plugin

The second leading benefit of SEOZoom Plugin is its versatility: after the latest update, the tool has been made suitable for WordPress 5.0 or newer versions and its correlated editor Gutenberg (also fixing a series of problems and troubles met by users right after the releasing of  the WordPress update), and for other popular proprietary editors such as Elementor, Beaver builder, Visual composer, Avada and Divi (both as template and page builder).

Come installare il plugin SEOZoomHow is SEO plugin added to WordPress and other builders

In order to integrate the tool to your personal website all that it takes is to subscribe at least one membership to SEOZoom’s Start Up plan; That way users could freely add the plugin to their online project simply following the path Project -> Modify -> Integration, so to immediately display a selection of specific data into the site. Right after the installation is completed from the “Plugin” section of the CMS or builders, would then be enough to enter the activation key generated inside the SEOZoom project on the “Settings” tab to ignite the dialogue.

SEOZoom plugin’s features

La schermata di analisi del plugin SEOZoom

Furthermore, in this same organising phase would also be possible to customize some aspect of the tracking SEOZoom will operate shortly after, such as the kind of posts you would like to active SEOZoom Editorial Assistant on and the ones excluded from it. Once completed this preventive operations you can actually begin to use SEOZoom Plugin, coming with four main pages: Notifications, Website Trend, Monitored Keywords and Pages with Potential.

Le parole chiave individuate nel plugin SZMonitoring the site’s trend from WordPress

Each one of these sections can be thoroughly consulted in order to always keep under control ad quickly at hand all the main info on Keywords and extimated volumes monitored by SEOZoom; for instance, clicking on WEBSITE TREND a concise dashboard shows up to report essential data like extimated traffic volume (based on the classic parameters of SEOZoom’s algorithms), on the number of positioned keywords, increasing, dropping and stable ones, while on the bottom part you could find a biannual graph that describes the specific site’s trend and a bar graph with the keywords distribution on Google.

I consigli del plugin SEOZoomAlways monitor the potential traffic and each article’s keywords

Already familiarized SEOZoom’s users will find extremely easy the interpretation of the other two info sections of the WordPress (and other builders) plugin: the MONITORED KEYWORDS screen will show all the main data about every keyword previously registered on a project, like their SERP position, variation, medium research volume, extimated traffic volume, CPC cost and the Difficulty, obviously other than the chance to directly redirect to the suite and the complete analysis just by clicking on “analyze”. The PAGE WITH POTENTIAL section lists the urls that might easily gain potential traffic through both content and structure’s optimization work.

To modify and directly optimize the article

They generally are pages with a lot of keywords positioned between Google’s second and third page that could guarantee the site a speed up in response of a SEO-oriented strategic intervention, with a special mention to the indication of potential traffic volume one could reach by ranking every single keyword in Google’s TOP10. Clicking on “Modify article”, then, the user would be redirected straight to the article’s dashboard to start his revision.

A true SEO Copywriting assistant

In addition to all of these great features ( promptly available inside the platform one is already using as website’s management, so to speed up operations more), this tool is a fair candidate as one of the best SEO-oriented WordPress plugins also because it can real-time help the copywriter in the actual writing of the articles, verifying step-by-step if the content fulfills Google’s best practices, verificando passo passo se il contenuto creato rispetti le best practice di Google, by guaranteeing misspell cross-checkings on the text and monitoring which are the specific keywords a single content has ranked for.

Consigli per l'ottimizzazione del contenuto

SEOZoom Plugin’s indications

For every aspect or parameter of the article, SEOZoom Plugin for WordPress, Divi, Visual Composer, Elementor and Beaver Builder allows you to receive info and SEO-oriented suggestions on how to optimize your content: the system itself highlights the parameters to comply with on factors such as main title, heading and meta description, but also useful writing tips to intercept both readers and search engines’ favour, without overlooking the optimization of SEO Title and permalink and a more specific focus on content.

Suggestions on how to optimize SEO articles

Inside the “Article” TAB, infact, SEOZoom places under the microscope the produced text, reporting if it actually contains an adequate number of words (starting with 300 words minimum), if and how relevantly the keyword appears in the text’s first paragraph, if there is any image (and if they are or not optimized), if there is any kind of need of spellchecks or syntactical inspection (if, for instance, too many passive forms have been used or if the article is too complex to read) and, in the end, if a solid structure of internal and external links has been effectively made.

One of the best SEO Plugin for WordPress

All in all, SEOZoom’s plugin really is a true strategic ally for all those who wish to enhance their contents’ management benefitting from a series of  SEO content optimization tools. It is, as well, a nice alternative compared to the straight use of the editorial assistant included in the suite, builded for whoever prefers to write, verify and monitor articles directly into the website with CMS WordPress and all other quoted builders.

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