Few shocks for SERPs from Google’s July 2021 Core Update
Dead calm or so in the Italian and Spanish SERPs, some more movement for those located in the UK and the United States: this is the extreme synthesis of the effects of the Google July 2021 Core Update, launched on July 1 and officially concluded after 12 days, as announced by the company account. Here is a quick analysis on the impact of this (umpteenth) update, which is added to the other algorithmic interventions started in recent weeks.
Info about the Google July 2021 Core Update
Before we dive into data and numbers, it’s good to do a little recap on this algorithmic update, which was quite abnormal compared to the others for a number of reasons.
It was, in fact, the tail of the previous June 2021 Core Update, which followed at a distance of not a month – while, instead, usually, such major Google updates fall on a quarterly basis or beyond, so much so that you have to go up to the December 2020 Core Update to find the last one before this pair.
As already mentioned, Google began implementing the main update of July 2021 around noon (US) on July 1, 2021, and announced that the rollout ended on July 12 at around 13:00 ET (19 pm Italian): so it lasted 12 whole days, two more than the June 2021 Core Update, which instead ended its application in just 10 days.
Anyway, it was a classic “core update”, which had effects on a global scale and not specific to a particular region, language or category of websites; the rollout conclusion means that the new search index has now been fully implemented in all data centers and that the search results should remain relatively stable.
So, from now on, any fluctuations we will see in the ranking will probably be due to the normal shift in search results – or to the effects of other Google interventions still ongoing.
Lots of ongoing Google updates
We must not forget that in the last month the search engine has been affected by a great deal of development and correction of some aspects of the criteria for evaluating the results.
Just to limit ourselves to the official and confirmed updates, we had the June 2021 core update, but also the