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Webinar: Effective and Efficient Multilingual SEO

To thrive in various markets, it’s pivotal to tailor your SEO strategy based on the search intent unique to each country.

This involves going beyond the four fundamental search intents, placing significant emphasis on implicit intents directly tied to a country’s culture, social backdrop, and socio-economic context. In this talk, Veruska Anconitano – Multilingual SEO & Globalization (i18n and L10n) Consultant – will discuss how to weave cultural nuances into a multilingual SEO approach and will delve into key elements to factor in, stakeholders to engage from a project management standpoint, and the vital KPIs to measure success.

The webinar will take place on Thursday 16 Novembre at 15:00 CET.

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Date and time

  • Webinar date 16/11/2023
  • Webinar time 15:00


Veruska Anconitano

Veruska Anconitano

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