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Webinar: Images and Visual Search 2023 and forward

It is already a few years since Google has become very visual, and this trend not only does not offer any sign of decline but will increase even more!

In this webinar, Gianluca Fiorelli, International and Strategic SEO Consultant, will explain why SEOs must stop considering Images and Visual Search a second thought, and present practical advice for optimizing the visual content of your website to obtain the highest visibility in the Universal/Images Search and being findable by Lens search, while not forgetting the importance of maintaining the speed and performance of your website on a correct level.

The webinar will take place on Thursday 21 September at 15:00 CEST.

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Date and time

  • Webinar date 21/09/2023
  • Webinar time 15:00


Gianluca Fiorelli

Gianluca Fiorelli

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